Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Straight from the mouth of C...

C has quite a personality. I thought I would share a few conversations we had recently...

#1 -- Her new bed...

C...Mommy, I love my bed. When you grow smaller you can sleep with me.

Me...Thanks honey, but grown ups don't grow smaller, they keep getting bigger just like you get bigger.

C... Ok...but your legs can get smaller and then you will fit. :)

#2 -- While eating her dinner last night

C... My taco stuff is all coming out!

J...It's ok, I'll help you put it back together.

C... Thanks Daddy. It's too hard for little kids to do this. That's why you go to work.

J & Me...(muffling laughter)

#3 -- Neverending Questions (usually around bedtime)

C...Mommy, why do we have bottoms?

Me...So we have a place to sit.

C...But then why do we need chairs?

Me...So we have a comfortable place to sit.

C...But some bottoms have pillows on them so they would be comfy.

Me...(LOL) What do you mean?

C...Some bottoms are smushy like a pillow.

Me... (Really laughing now) Yes honey, I guess they are.

C....So then why do we need chairs??

I'm definitely at the million question stage with her. It's fun and annoying that's for sure. I'll share more memorable ones as they occur...



little miss mel said...

Those are hilarious! Very smart!

Can't wait to experience that. Too fun!