Monday, August 6, 2007

Birthday Resolutions

So Saturday was my birthday. Usually they suck, and I mean really suck. They consist of people forgetting (including my mom), something bad happening paired with some really nasty August weather. I don't usually look forward to them but this year was different. Maybe it's getting older or my kids that have changed me, but this year I was determined to not to be in a huge funk on my day. Having to attend a wedding and starting the day on the beach definitely aided that, but I also think I'm just expecting less. Either way, my day came and went but I made some resolutions to myself. Here they are:
  • I will work on becoming happier with who I am despite my flaws.
  • I will eat healthier and work out more regularly so that my children are brought up in a household where that matters.
  • I will spend less time worrying about what other people think of me.
  • I will spend more time telling people how much they mean to me.
  • I will not let money run my life.
  • I will take each day as it comes and try to let it go each night before bed.
  • I will continue to try new things and meet new people.

Yes, that is quite a list. Of course, these are all things I should be doing already but I've decided enough is enough. I can't keep making excuses as to why I don't do certain things or meet more people. I need to live each day for what it is and try to make myself a little better along the way. I'm hoping this will help me stay happier and teach my daughters not to stress the way I did. I've always been the responsible one and the worrier since I was a child, so much to the point I would forget to enjoy being young. So now I am going to enjoy it and hope that my positivity will rub off. I know this will not be easy and each day will provide new challenges, but I am ready. Sad it's taken me 29 years to figure that out....


Unknown said...

awesome resolutions! I am so glad you got the weekend you deserved!! We need to get together for a night on the town soon!!