Thursday, March 29, 2007


Today I'm feeling grateful for my life. I know that it's had some major issues...but it's turned out better than I could ever imagine. I am married to the love of my life for almost 5 years now. He's the most caring, and wonderful man I could have ever asked for. Together we have a beautiful family with the best two little girls anyone could ask for. I may gripe about C not listening to me, or M keeping me up all night, but I couldn't be luckier.

What is sparking this insightfulness you may ask? A friend of mine has a son that is only 6 months older than M. He has been sick for a while now, and has taken a turn for the worst. He is need of a transplant to survive. I cannot even begin to imagine how this family is handling all of this. I felt horrible that I could not offer any comforting words. How do you talk to someone in this situation? Especially when you have a daughter so close in age? I will continue to pray and hope for this boy, but I feel so helpless.

All this experience has done is made me realize how lucky I am. If nothing else, we all have our health. We may be at our wits end with C not listening, or could stand to have some more money in the bank, but we are so lucky. So tonight, I will hug C and M a little longer, and tell J how much he means to me. I truly am one lucky woman...

-- K

Monday, March 26, 2007


Today is a big day in our family. It's C's 3rd and J's 29th birthdays! So here is a little post dedicated to them...

C...You are growing up so fast I can't stand it! You are a wonderful "big" girl and I love you so much! Happy birthday princess!

J...You are the love of my life. Thanks for sharing this crazy journey with me. Happy Birthday!

I'm lucky to have both of you in my life. I love you so much and hope you have a wonderful day. Here's to many more!


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Need to vent

Ok, I need a venting post. Just something to get out my frustrations of today. So, here we go:

1. Why is it that when I accompany my daughter on a field trip at her school I wind up working more than the teachers? I had to belt kids in their seats, herd them in, keep them from running around, and finally (the real kicker), take 4 of them to the bathroom! I definitely felt like I should be getting a paycheck from C's school!

2. How is it that my family of 4 can create so much goddamn laundry?!? I swear I did all the kids clothes not 2 days ago and yet, here are more piles!! Where is my freaking laundry fairy??

3. I'm so tired of being in pain from my neck/shoulder! I hurt it almost 2 years ago and am going through some physical therapy for it. Yesterday I found out that I have some pinched nerves, possibly herniated disks, and most likely arthritis in my neck already! Umm...hello?? I'm not even 30 yet! If this is what I have to look forward to in getting older, count me out already!

4. I really want to know how some people have spotless houses with kids. I swear I could go on a cleaning binge for the next week and I still wouldn't be able to keep up with everything. Again...where is my freaking fairy??

5. Ok, so it's been a little over 9 months since I gave birth to M, and people are asking me when I'm going to start trying for a boy?!? Umm...riiiight... Don't even get me started on how I need to lose more weight first....

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Two weeks and counting...

Two weeks until C is done with preschool. She's been in it 3 days a week since she was 18 months. We've taken her out since it's so expensive to keep her in with the sporadic work I have been doing, and since we are trying to move. Now the question comes, what the heck am I going to do to occupy her?? I have signed her up for a Tuesday dance class, and I'm hoping to find a playgroup or library group to fill in at least another day or two. I also went out and bought a preschool activity book to help me out! Oh boy...we may be making a lot of trips to NJ to compensate...

M is 9 months old now and is such a joy. Her personality is really coming out now and it looks like she will be giving C a run for her money. She's started really yelling when you take something away from her, or if she's bored. Today, she's decided to shriek almost all day long. It's definitely been an Advil day today!

It's hard to believe that C will be 3 so soon! God, where has the time gone?? We were supposed to head to NJ this weekend to celebrate, as well as meet some relatives that are in from Italy. Unfortunately, C woke up with a fever yesterday and today there's been some really crummy weather, so I'm not sure what we are doing now. We may still head up tomorrow, but we will have to see. Guess I should do some laundry so I have something clean to wear in case. It seems to never end!!


Friday, March 9, 2007

Wanted: The perfect jeans...

On behalf of all woman everywhere, I'm going to be placing the following want ad:

WANTED: A dedicated, hard worker who won't shirk from a challenge. Must be willing to adjust to difficult working circumstances without fading or ripping under pressure. This position will have many rewards including getting patted on the ass or admiring looks from people who appreciate your hard work. To qualify for this position, you must: be able to adjust to the ever fluctuating weight shifts, provide a supporting and slimming rear position, and be able to handle the ever changing demands of the wearer. Position may causing fading, staining and being crumpled in a laundry basket for undetermined lengths of time. Only qualified applicants need apply.

Ok...although I made light of this, I'm desperately searching for a GOOD pair of jeans!! I'm tired of jeans that are falling off my butt because my hips aren't big enough or my giant flabby stomach is pushing them down. What's the deal with that?? Or now since I'm a mom, should I be looking for jeans that come up to my boobs and will probably result in scary camel toe?? Can anyone recommend a happy medium here?? Thanks. I promise to post something better later. I'm just annoyed with the jeans today!


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Blogging Virgin

Well, here it is, my inaugural post. I've decided to start this blog as a way to keep track of our crazy life with our two beautiful girls. Hopefully I will be able to post often, although all moms know how that goes... ;)

I guess to start off I should introduce everyone. Well, I'm of C (almost 3) and M (9 months) and wife to J for almost 5 years now. We live in VA although we are trying to move back to our hometown where all our family is. It would be nice to have all the family support! Right now, C is at preschool but I will be pulling her out at the end of the month. I'm now officially a stay at home mom!?! I'm happy, scared, stressed, and ready to start this next chapter. Stay tuned to see how we make it!!

More soon...