Thursday, September 20, 2007

Where have we been?

Well, I wish I could be writing a post to say we've been on some exotic vacation or won the Powerball but in truth we've just been busy. Here's quick rundown of what's going on...
  • C started school at the beginning of September (Thank God!!!). She goes to a preschool 5 minutes from home two mornings a week. Sure, I wish it was more, but hey it's something, right?
  • C is also signed up for some classes to keep us busy. She now has gymnastics and ballet/tap on Fridays, and will start swimming class in October.
  • M has been enjoying some alone time with me. So far we've gone grocery shopping, taken trips to the park, attended a tots playgroup, and gone to MOPS.
  • M had her 15 month checkup in which she was 31 3/4 inches tall and 23 lbs. 9 ozs. She was a real trooper even through her 2 shots.
  • I've been back and forth to the doctor's again. Have yet another sinus/ear infection (my 4th of the summer) and had sinus xrays done. Luckily they came up clear but I'll be heading back next week for a follow up.
  • I'm serving as the Activities Coordinator for our MOMS Club in town and also attending MOPS twice a month. (Just is case I wasn't busy enough already...)
  • We've had things going on every weekend so far and it won't end until late October! Some of our fun has been: going to Richmond to visit friends, heading to Six Flags for J's company's annual picnic. This weekend we're heading to the circus!

That's basically been it. Lately I feel like I should put a meter in my car and earn some money for all the driving I'm doing! So...that's been it. Hopefully I'll start getting a little more free time soon and be able to post more often.