Yesterday was M's first birthday! So, I thought I would relive it with a picture of her and how she was born...
I started having severe back pain and contractions at 11 pm on Thursday night. I tried everything to make it go away: drank water, walked, took a bath, etc. The only relief I felt was in the bath but about a half hour after I got out, it just got worse. I started timing my contractions, and they would get to be about 6 minutes apart, and then would space out to 10 minutes. I figured I would wait as long as I could, then call the dr.
By noon on Friday, I was miserable. I was still having back pain, and decided to call my doctor. I called them at 1:30 pm, and they told me to head to L&D. I got there around 3 pm. They immediately hooked me up to a monitor and said I wasn't contracting. My doctor then came to see me, and she turned off the monitor and put her hands on my belly. She then said, Oh are contracting! DUH!!! She then moved the monitor, and there they were...every 2-3 minutes. She asked me how long it was going on, and I told her since the night before. She left me for an hour, then came back to check me...and guess what. NO change!! I was still just 1cm, and my cervix was posterior. She told me her guess was the baby was too big for my pelvis, especially based on the back pain. After talking it over with her and J, we decided to go in for a c-section. They made a few quick calls, and I was scheduled for 6:30 pm that night.
The c-section went well. I have to say, I was nervous since I got so sick last time and felt so much pain...but this time was perfect. No vomiting, no pain. They did a great job at responding to me. At 7:17 pm, M screamed her way into the world. :) She was so stuck in me, it took two people pushing on my uterus to get her out!! The dr was relieved that I went for the c-section especially when they weighed her. M was 8lbs. 2ozs. and 19 inches long. This was at 38 weeks!!!
I love you M and can't believe how big you are!! I can't wait to see how much you grow and change over the next year.
-- K
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