Thursday, March 29, 2007


Today I'm feeling grateful for my life. I know that it's had some major issues...but it's turned out better than I could ever imagine. I am married to the love of my life for almost 5 years now. He's the most caring, and wonderful man I could have ever asked for. Together we have a beautiful family with the best two little girls anyone could ask for. I may gripe about C not listening to me, or M keeping me up all night, but I couldn't be luckier.

What is sparking this insightfulness you may ask? A friend of mine has a son that is only 6 months older than M. He has been sick for a while now, and has taken a turn for the worst. He is need of a transplant to survive. I cannot even begin to imagine how this family is handling all of this. I felt horrible that I could not offer any comforting words. How do you talk to someone in this situation? Especially when you have a daughter so close in age? I will continue to pray and hope for this boy, but I feel so helpless.

All this experience has done is made me realize how lucky I am. If nothing else, we all have our health. We may be at our wits end with C not listening, or could stand to have some more money in the bank, but we are so lucky. So tonight, I will hug C and M a little longer, and tell J how much he means to me. I truly am one lucky woman...

-- K